On assessing electromagnetic field (300 kmhz – 300mhz) in a large industrial city on the basis of 3d modeling and instrumental measuring

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I.V. May1, S.Yu. Balashov1, S.A. Vekovshinina1, M.A. Kudrya2


1 Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies, 82 Monastyrskaya Str., Perm, 614045, Russian Federation
2 Sanitary and Epidemiology Center, 13, build. 1, Akademika Korolyova Str., Moscow 129115 Russian Federation


The article dwells on issues of modeling electromagnetic fields levels (EMF with frequency equal to 300 KMHz - 300 MHz which are created by television and radio broadcasting objects, radiolocation, and mobile communication in a large regional cen-ter, in geoinformation system environment. Our task was to estimate EMF levels on areas where apartment blocks were located; to assess energy flows at various floors, to determine zones in a city as per EMF levels; to verify the obtained results with the direct factor measuring. Our calculation included data on 2,011 EMF sources located on a city territory. We allowed for bulk parameters of 31,949 buildings including 17,307 apartment blocks, 3,160 administrative buildings, 307 pre-school children facilities and 105 secondary schools. We performed our calculations in city coordinate system at 109 thousand points. Each calculation created a picture of EMF spread in a plane at a set height which allowed us to determine exposure level at a control point as per "slice" re-sults and to build up a 3D contamination model. Approximately 80% of all the calculated results had EMF parameters within 0.1-10 safety criterion range. We spotted zones with maximum calculated EMF levels at 18-25 meters. Instrumental research proved high factor levels in these zones including those where levels exceeded safety criterion 4-6 times; it makes for certain vigilance in judgments on environmental safety for people who live on the examined territory permanently. The obtained data can be used for foundation of instrumental research points within the frameworks of specific research or social-hygienic monitoring as well as for consequent exposure and health risk assessment. The materials can be used in epidemiologic research for conjugate spatial analysis of energy flows and children and adults mortality.

electromagnetic field, health risk factor, spatial modeling
May I.V., Balashov S.Yu., Vekovshinina S.A., Kudrya M.A. On assessing electromagnetic field (300 kmhz – 300mhz) in a large industrial city on the basis of 3d modeling and instrumental measuring. Health Risk Analysis, 2017, no. 3, pp. 21–30. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2017.3.03.eng
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