Occupational reporiductive system diseases in female workers employed at worplaces with harmful working conditions

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M.A. Fesenko1, O.V. Sivochalova1, E.V. Fedorova2


1 Izmerov Research Institute of Occupational Health, 31 Budennogo Av., Moscow, 105275, Russian Federation
2 National Research University "MEI", 14 Krasnokazarmennaya Str., Moscow, 111250, Russian Federation


The paper outlines the data obtained in the course of long-term research dedicated to studying the extent to which re-productive system pathologies in workers with high-risk occupations are occupationally induced. Their peculiarity is joint impacts of various occupational factors (for example, impacts exerted by chemicals together with physical and biological factors, and labor hardness and intensity as well) on a female body.

Our research goal was to examine the extent to which reproductive system pathologies in workers with high-risk occupations were occupationally induced. To achieve it, we applied statistical estimate of correlation between health disorders and work.
Our occupational group included a number of occupations with harmful or hazardous working conditions in civil en-gineering, metallurgy, chemical industry, polymer-processing industry, and health care as well. As a rule, working condi-tions class of workers from the examined groups varied from 3.1 to 3.3; and occupation with permissible working conditions were used as a comparative group.

The research results revealed that there are certain occupations with high risk of reproductive health disorders evolvement and infants development pathologies evolvement. They are:

– model makers and checkers in civil engineering and crane operators at a metallurgic plant;
– analysts at chemical analysis laboratories, chemical engineers in chemical industry (including petrochemical plants, polymer-processing plants, and organic synthesis plants);
– surgeons, obstetrician-gynecologists, midwives, surgical nurses working in in-patient departments.

Estimate of correlation and occupational dependence of reproductive system diseases on working conditions revealed that women with harmful working conditions (3.1–3.3 hazard class) had defective pregnancies or labor pathologies which had strong and average correlation with working conditions. Health disorders in newborns were estimated as per very strong corre-lation with mother's work. Thus, we can state that a mother occupational risk induction for a child health is fundamentally proved. On the basis of the obtained results we rank female workers with 3 class 2 harm degree working conditions as having an occupation with high risks of reproductive health disorders.

We worked out an algorithm aimed at managing these risks; it should be applied in order to lower occupational risks for reproduction in female workers.

female workers, working conditions class, reproductive health, newborns' health, occupational risk, statistic estimate of correlation
Fesenko M.A., Sivochalova O.V., Fedorova E.V. Occupational reporiductive system diseases in female work-ers employed at worplaces with harmful working conditions. Health Risk Analysis, 2017, no. 3, pp. 92–100. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2017.3.11.eng
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