Verification of average daily maximum permissible concentration of styrene in the atmospheric air of settlements under the results of epidemiological studies of the children’s population

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М.А. Zemlyanova, М.R. Kamaltdinov


FBSI "Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies", Russian Federation, Perm, 82, Monastyrskaya St., 614045


We presented the materials on the verification of the average daily maximum permissible concentration of styrene in the atmospheric air of settlements performed under the results of own in-depth epidemiological studies of children’s population according to the principles of the international risk assessment practice. It was established that children in the age of 4–7 years when exposed to styrene at the level above 1.2 of threshold level value for continuous exposure develop the negative exposure effects in the form of disorders of hormonal regulation, pigmentary exchange, antioxidative activity, cytolysis, immune reactivity and cytogenetic disbalance which contribute to the increased morbidity of diseases of the central nervous system, endocrine system, respiratory organs, digestion and skin. Based on the proved cause-and-effect relationships between the biomarkers of negative effects and styrene concentration in blood it was demonstrated that the benchmark styrene concentration in blood is 0.002 mg/dm3. The justified value complies with and confirms the average daily styrene concentration in the air of settlements at the level of 0.002 mg/m3 accepted in Russia which provides the safety for the health of population (1 threshold level value for continuous exposure).

styrene, average daily maximum allowable concentration, atmospheric air, epidemiological study, children’s population, exposure marker, biomarkers of effect, target organs
Zemlyanova М.А., Kamaltdinov М.R. Verification of average daily maximum permissible concentration of styrene in the atmospheric air of settlements under the results of epidemiological studies of the children’s population. Health Risk Analysis, 2015, no. 1, pp. 19-27. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2015.1.03.eng
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