Assessment of economic losses associated with risk for life and health of incapacitated persons

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O.I. Goleva, P.Z. Shur


FBSI "Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies", Russian Federation, Perm, 82, Monastyrskaya St., 614045,
FSBEI of Higher Professional Education “Perm State National Research University”, Russian Federation, Perm, 15, Bukireva St., 614990


There are some general approaches to assessment of economic losses associated with mortality and morbidity. However these methods are utilitarian and population is considered as labor forces. That is why incapacitated persons are not frequently included in such calculations.

Authors offer to take Russian methodology as a basis and correct it taking into account a fact that population is not only a present day labor forces. In prospect an individual is able to renew labor forces. Other words not only future work but “future children” should be considered in economic assessment of losses associated with child mortality. Besides individuals not only “produce” but “consume”. Growth of consumption increases demand and leads to GDP growth. In the same time expenditures increase production volume more than amount of expenditures. Ripple effect activates – ability of expenditures to induce returns growth more than expenditures associated with this growth.

economic losses associated with mortality and morbidity, economic assessment of risk for life and health, incapacitated persons, GDP, taxes
Goleva O.I., Shur P.Z. Assessment of economic losses associated with risk for life and health of incapacitated persons. Health Risk Analysis, 2015, no. 1, pp. 12-18. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2015.1.02.eng
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