Problems and prospects for maintaining the register of sanitary and epidemiological objects of surveillance for the tasks of the transition to risk-oriented model of activity

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N.V. Zaitseva1, I.V. May1, D.А. Kiryanov1, S.V. Babina1, А.S. Kriga2, E.L. Ovchinnikova2, V.A. Bondaryov3, Е.А. Golovanova3, А.S. Sboev4, L.N. Akimova4


1 FBSI "Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies", Russian Federation, Perm, 82, Monastyrskaya St., 614045,
2 Administration of Rospotrebnadzor in Omsk region, Russian Federation, Omsk, 98, St. 10 years of October, 644991,
3 Administration of Rospotrebnadzor in Lipetsk region, Russian Federation, Lipetsk, St. Gagarina, 60a, 398002,
4 Administration of Rospotrebnadzor in Perm region, Russian Federation, Perm, 50, St. Kuibysheva, 614016


The article describes the approaches to the formation of regional databases of the objects of sanitary-epidemiological surveillance for the tasks of sequential evaluation of each object having the potential risk to the citizens of the affected areas of these objects, e.g. workers, consumers of products or services. The basic structure of the information system is demonstrated. The system is oriented to be used together with the DBMS MS Access. The system performs the manual quiding function for the register and implements the calculation algorithm of the health risk indicators and classification of the objects of surveillance. Approaches to the formation of the system have been tested in Perm, Lipetsk, Kaluga, Omsk regions as part of a pilot project of the Federal Service on Surveillance for Consumer rights protection and human well-being.

The problems of the registers’ formation are in the fact of scares operational entering of the significant amount of information, that has been accumulated in Administration offices of Rospotrebnadzor, but do not exist in the form of electronic databases. The relevant issue is the development of guidance documents to ensure unified approaches to the registers’ formation and risk calculation in relation to population census under the influence of various activities.

objects of surveillance, risk-oriented model, registers, information system
Zaitseva N.V., May I.V., Kiryanov D.А., Babina S.V., Kriga А.S., Ovchinnikova E.L., Bondaryov V.A., Golovanova Е.А., Sboev А.S., Akimova L.N. Problems and prospects for maintaining the register of sanitary and epidemiological objects of surveillance for the tasks of the transition to risk-oriented model of activity. Health Risk Analysis, 2015, no. 1, pp. 4-11. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2015.1.01
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