The system of objective assessment of medical-ecological situation in the areas with the risk of population deseases’ development for the tasks of further monitoring

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V.L. Filippov, V.R. Rembovskiy, N.V. Krinytsyn, Iu.V. Filippova, D.S. Medvedev, E.S. Kasyanenko


Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Ecology” of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk district, t.p. Kuzmolovsky, Art. Kapitolovo, Bldg. number 93


In order to establish cause-and-effect relationships of harmful factors’ effect on human health under conditions of operation of facilities for disposal of missiles and chemical weapons destruction, it is proposed to carry out a comprehensive study of the background status of health and to conduct the special monitoring at the enterprises and areas of increased man-made hazards. The study includes medical and geography, population clinical and epidemiological; screening (considering the growing pathology) and in-depth etiopathogenetical researches. While carrying out the studies in Russia and Kazakhstan it has been detected, that the levels of the prevalence of diseases of the circulatory system, mental disorders, diseases of the nervous and digestive systems of the personnel working on the facilities for disposal of chemical weapons, is lower than in the population living in the protective action zones. Chronic nonspecific lung diseases occur 4.2 times more frequently in the staff occupied on a dangerous technical facility than in the working-age population of the protective action zones, what may be associated with working environment.

Groups of persons with an increased risk of diseases are distinguished during prophylactic examinations of the working contingent and population living in the areas that are close to a dangerous object. The groups are further to be examined, and if necessary, cured in a specialized clinic.

chemical weapon destruction, medical-ecological situation, health risks
Filippov V.L., Rembovskiy V.R., Krinytsyn N.V.,Filippova Iu.V., Medvedev D.S., Kasyanenko E.S. The system of objective assessment of medical-ecological situation in the areas with the risk of population deseases’ development for the tasks of further monitoring. Health Risk Analysis, 2014, no. 4, pp. 27-36
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