Current directions in the development of social and hygiene monitoring and of health risk assessment (in the context of communication)

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N.M. Tsunina, D.A. Molodkina


The Samara Region Department of the Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance, Russian Federation, Samara, 1 Georgia Mitireva, 443079


This article identifies current directions in the development of social and hygiene monitoring and health risk analysis in the context of communication to state athorities, local authorities, the population, etc. The experience in specifying the objectives in social and hygiene monitoring, the ways to improve the quality of information and analysis was generalized. The article contains a list of general topics in social and hygiene monitoring which are covered by research and analytical papers published in journals and on a website. The major sources of information for social and hygiene monitoring are listed. A summary table with explanations on communication sections and total composition and percentage shares of the published works over the last 3 years is given in this paper. The description of software and its usage to collect and treat indicators and data in social and hygiene monitoring is provided in this work. Possible prospects of improving the communication system as a result of social and hygiene monitoring are discussed.

social and hygiene monitoring, environment and health, health risk assessment, communication, objectives, priorities, software, topics, system improvement
Tsunina N.M., Molodkina D.A. Current directions in the development of social and hygiene monitoring and of health risk assessment (in the context of communication). Health Risk Analysis, 2013, no. 3, pp. 75-81
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