Subjective evaluation and perception of risk by various population groups

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T.N. Unguryanu


Arkhangelsk Region Department of the Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance, Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk, 24 Gaydara st., 163061


In order to study the characteristics of health risk perception, a total of 695 individuals aged 18 or over from the town of Novodvinsk were interviewed. It was determined that respondents under the age of 30 tend to exaggerate the danger of chemical environmental pollution in comparison to 45-year-old individuals. It is typical of individuals with higher education and employees to consider lifestyle factors to be a high health risk in comparison with less educated respondents and workers. Respondents with specialized post-secondary education and
manual workers consider radioactive environmental pollution to be a high health risk. Individuals with average or low incomes consider low quality of life as of higher risk when compared with those with higher income.

health risk perception
Unguryanu T.N. Subjective evaluation and perception of risk by various population groups. Health Risk Analysis, 2013, no. 3, pp. 82-87
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