The legislative basis for assessing the risk of the impact of ambient air quality on human health in the republic of Belarus

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T.Ye. Naumenko1, V.A. Rybak2, T.D. Gritsenko1, L.M. Shevchuk1, A.Ye. Pshegroda1, A.N. Gankin1


1 Republican Science to Practice Center for Hygiene, the Republic of Belarus, 8 Academie st., Minsk, 220012,
2 Central Research Institute of Complex Use of Water Resources, the Republic of Belarus, 1 Slavinskogo st., 2 unit, Minsk, 220086


We have harmonized health standards, rules and environmental health standards in accordance with international regulations, guidelines and liabilities of the Republic of Belarus upon international conventions. The legislation of the Republic of Belarus provides 653 MPCs differentiated according to a period of time – maximum concentration, maximum one-time concentration, average daily MPC, average yearly MPC, 1,424 tentative safe exposure levels (TSEL). Seventeen pollutants from the list of substances having TSELs have been con-
firmed to belong to a class of hazard. We have developed software for ambient air quality health risk assessment based on the determination of an optimum size of buffer zones implementing the provisions of the instructions “A method for assessing the health risk of environmental factors”, approved by Deputy Minister of Public Health of the Republic of Belarus on 08 June 2012, registration no. 025–1211.

ambient air, pollutants, software, risk assessment
Naumenko T.Ye., Rybak V.A., Gritsenko T.D., Shevchuk L.M., Pshegroda A.Ye., Gankin A.N.The legislative basis for assessing the risk of the impact of ambient air quality on human health in the republic of Belarus. Health Risk Analysis, 2013, no. 1, pp. 30-35
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