Methodical approaches to health risk assessмеnt of heterogeneous environmental factors based on evolutionary models

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N.V. Zaitseva1, P.V. Trusov2, P.Z. Shur1, D.A. Kiryanov1, V.M. Chigvintsev1, M.Yu. Tsinkeк1


1 Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk, Russian Federation, 82 Monastyrskya St., Perm, 614045,
2 Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Russian Federation, 29 Komsomolskiy prospect, Perm, 614990


In this article, we consider methodical approaches to health risk assessment of a combined impact of environmental factors. The validation of the methodological approaches showed that they can be used to calculate the indicators of individual and population risk, life expectancy and to classify risk level in accordance with the proposed scale. We determined that individuals exposed to a complex of chemical factors of ambient air pollution, traffic noise and negative lifestyle factors develop an unacceptable (moderate) health risk by the age of 47 and a high health risk by the age of 58. The maximum contribution to the risk development is made by lifestyle factors – alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of physical activity. Life expectancy reduces by 12.3 years.

health risk assessment, evolution of risk, integral risk, life expectancy, environmental factors
Zaitseva N.V., Trusov P.V. , Shur P.Z., Kiryanov D.A. , Chigvintsev V.M., Tsinkeк M.Yu. Methodical approaches to health risk assessмеnt of heterogeneous environmental factors based on evolutionary models. Health Risk Analysis, 2013, no. 1, pp. 15-23
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